Golfers Elbow

What is Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s Elbow is one of the leading causes of inner elbow pain within rotational striking sports, particularly golf. It is treatable and typically resolves within weeks to months under the correct care. You might also notice the symptoms of golfers elbow when twisting jars, opening doors or gripping.

Elbow Pain while Golfing

Elbow pain while golfing is extremely common.

You are not alone in this. In fact, the next time you go to the driving range look up and down the line up…I bet you’ll see at least one person with a brace on their elbow.

Rehab and correction of elbow pain while golfing is pretty easy - and usually you can do your rehab, while still being able to play

Golfer’s Elbow is actually a tendon injury to the inner portion of the elbow.

The tendons that attach to this section of the elbow flex the wrist, curl the fingers and turn the hand palm down.

If any of these motions hurt, then you are partially confirming a diagnosis.

Golfer’s that develop medial elbow pain while golfing get it on the trail arm. It is not impossible to develop on the lead arm, but it is less common.

It is a more common problem for amateur golfers than the pros.

How does Golfer’s Elbow create elbow pain while golfing?

When the flexor tendons are damaged from overuse and scar tissue formation, they are more easily reinjured.

In the trail arm elbow, impact with the ball or ground creates a quick yank on the tendon, which leads to irritation and further tearing.

How many swings do you take in a game of golf, including your warm up?

All of these impacts add up.

What golf swing mechanics are often seen to cause Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s Elbow is often seen with golfers who prematurely release the wrists during the downswing.

This type of swing fault has a few names:

• Casting
• Scooping
• Early Release

As of 2009, TPI assessed that 55.9% of amateurs have this issue.

If you were to shoot a picture of the moment of impact, you’d see the hands would be behind the club head, appearing to “scoop.”

This swing fault can occur a few different ways. Some have simply learned this way, while others develop it while attempting to recorrect from other, larger swing faults.

Are you trying to “lift the ball?”

This would be one of the major learned mannerisms. Remember, the clubs are designed to do the job. Let the club work for you.

• Are you often over the top?
• Is your clubface often open at impact?

These could be other reasons for overusing the wrists.

Wondering why scooping will lead to golfers elbow?

When swinging with your hands cupped, you are actually forcing the swing with the trail hand. Over time, this repeated, forced wrist flexion catches up with you creating elbow pain in the inner portion of the trail arm elbow.

In sports medicine, this is the definition of an overuse condition.

Maybe your reason for scooping is not learned, but rather a physical compensation?

Sure, that is possible as well.

Upper body compensation like this is normally the result of the lower body not doing its job.

If any of these strike a cord, you should seriously considering improving them or your elbow pain while golfing will continue as soon as you start again.

What to do abut it?

Follow the instructions in the video below. Your pain and discomfort from golfers elbow should go away in 2-3 weeks.

If it’s still there after this time, it is best to consult with a Physiotherapist who understands the nature of golf..