Occupational Therapy for Adolescents

Discover a Supportive Space for Growth - Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Welcome to Rebound Health, where understanding meets action. Our occupational therapy services are specially designed for adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), offering a personalised approach to support each young person's unique needs


Why Choose Us?


About Our Occupational Therapy Services

Our occupational therapy for adolescents focuses on developing skills that are crucial for daily life, from self-care routines to managing schoolwork and social interactions. We use evidence-based practices that help improve focus, enhance communication skills, and build independence.

Key Benefits:

Improved Life Skills: Enhance abilities in areas such as time management, organisation, and self-care.

Social Skills Development: Foster better interactions at school and within the community.

Behavioral Strategies: Learn coping mechanisms to manage and reduce behaviors that may cause challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Occupational therapy (OT) focuses on helping individuals achieve independence in all areas of their lives. For adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), OT can significantly enhance daily functioning and life skills. Therapists work on skills like organization, time management, fine motor abilities, and social interaction. OT helps in managing sensory issues, improving focus, and learning appropriate responses to environmental stimuli, which are common challenges for those with ASD and ADHD.

  • Each session is tailored to the individual needs of the adolescent but generally includes a mix of structured activities and exercises designed to address specific developmental goals. These might include sensory integration activities, social skills training, practice with daily living tasks, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Sessions are conducted in a supportive environment using tools and technology that engage and assist the adolescent in mastering new skills.

  • Starting with our occupational therapy services is simple. You can contact us directly via our website, phone, or in person to schedule an initial consultation. During this consultation, our therapists will assess your adolescent’s specific needs and discuss a potential therapy plan that outlines goals and strategies.

  • The time it takes to observe noticeable improvements can vary based on the individual's specific challenges and goals. Generally, consistent participation in occupational therapy sessions leads to gradual improvements over time. Many families report seeing progress in areas such as improved focus, better social interactions, and enhanced self-regulation within a few months.

  • Yes, our therapists are highly trained and experienced in working specifically with adolescents who have ASD and ADHD. They undergo continuous education and training to stay updated with the latest therapeutic techniques and approaches that are most effective for these conditions.

  • Absolutely. Occupational therapy helps improve various cognitive and physical skills that are directly related to school performance. We focus on enhancing executive functioning skills, such as organizing and planning, which can help adolescents manage their schoolwork more effectively. OT also helps in developing fine motor skills for writing and coordination, as well as strategies to handle sensory overload in busy school environments.

  • Rebound Health believes in a holistic approach that includes family involvement. We offer training and resources for parents to understand the therapy process and how to support their child’s development at home. Regular meetings and updates ensure that families are an integral part of the therapeutic journey.

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