Alec Bunt


Specialisations & Interests:



Strength & Conditioning

Mental Health


About Me

Throughout my life, I’ve been exposed to numerous sports and various forms of exercise. Both Rugby and basketball remain my favorites and were a large part of my teenage years. I found strength training through my sport, and since become passionate about the principles of strength and conditioning, powerlifting and a hybrid athlete approach to triathlon.

It is through sports and the gym environment that I’ve developed a strong passion for exercise and using it to treat and improve the lives of others. I've had exposure to multiple clinical settings that have shaped my treatment approach, and have led me to develop a special interest in cancer, osteoporosis and mental health.

It is remarkable how engaging in a small amount of exercise each day can really benefit an individual.
Being an exercise physiologist allows me to build a relationship with my clients and guide them to be the best version of themselves while also doing what I love.


Bachelor of Exercise Physiology (UNSW)
Accredited Exercise Physiologist (ESSA)

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