Physiotherapy North Shore

Rebound Health offers specialised physiotherapy services in the North Shore area, catering to individuals seeking rehabilitation and support for various physical conditions. Our physiotherapy program is designed to assist clients in achieving optimal movement and function, enhancing their overall quality of life.

For individuals eligible under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Rebound Health provides NDIS Physio services. This includes targeted physiotherapy support for NDIS participants, ensuring they receive proper care. 

We are committed to offering evidence-based treatments and ongoing support, working closely with clients to ensure they make meaningful progress. Whether addressing acute injuries or managing long-term conditions, we are dedicated to helping clients in their rehabilitation journey.


Geriatric Physiotherapy

Geriatric Physiotherapy is dedicated to addressing the unique health concerns of the elderly. This branch focuses on enhancing mobility, strength, balance, and overall quality of life, acknowledging the various physical challenges of aging. Our geriatric physio services are designed to meet the specific needs of seniors, providing comprehensive care that supports their independence and well-being

Key components of our geriatric physiotherapy include:

  • Assessment: Our physiotherapists conduct thorough evaluations to understand each individual's physical condition, medical history, and specific challenges. This assessment informs the customised treatment plan.

  • Mobility Improvement: We focus on exercises and techniques to enhance mobility, helping seniors maintain independence and safely perform daily activities.

  • Strength and Balance Training: Specialised exercises improve muscle strength and balance, lessening the risk of falls and injuries.

  • Pain Management: Techniques like manual therapy, massage, and modalities like heat treatment alleviate discomfort from arthritis, osteoporosis, and other age-related issues.

  • Education and Support: Empowering older adults with knowledge about managing their conditions and promoting active participation in their treatment plans.

Orthopedic Physiotherapy

Orthopedic Physiotherapy focuses on treating individuals suffering from disorders or injuries affecting the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. This branch of physiotherapy is pivotal in helping patients recover from orthopedic surgeries, injuries, and chronic conditions, aiming to restore function, reduce pain, and increase mobility.

Our orthopedic physio utilises a comprehensive assessment approach to diagnose and develop a personalised treatment plan accurately. The goal is to address the condition's root cause, not just the symptoms, ensuring a holistic recovery process.

Our approach includes:

Manual Therapy Techniques: Utilising joint mobilisation and manipulation to improve movement and reduce pain.

Personalised Exercise Programs: Developing custom exercises to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and support recovery.

Pain Management Strategies: Applying heat, ice, or ultrasound to alleviate discomfort.

Patient Education: Providing essential information and tools to help prevent future injuries and maintain musculoskeletal health.

Women's Physiotherapy

Women's Physiotherapy addresses health concerns specific to women at various stages of life. This area of physiotherapy encompasses treatments for conditions related to pregnancy, postpartum recovery, menopause, pelvic floor dysfunction, and breast cancer rehabilitation, among others. We recognise the unique physical challenges women may face, and our women's physio services are designed to offer support, relief, and rehabilitation according to women's health needs.

Our approach to women's physiotherapy includes:

Pregnancy and Postpartum Care: Offering support for conditions like back pain and pelvic girdle pain, as well as strategies for postpartum recovery, focusing on strengthening the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.

Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation: Addressing issues such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and pain during intercourse with exercises and techniques to strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

Menopause-Related Conditions: Providing management strategies for symptoms affecting physical wellbeing during menopause, including osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Assisting in recovery post-surgery with exercises to improve shoulder mobility and lymphedema management.

Neurological Physiotherapy

Neurological Physiotherapy is a specialised branch of physiotherapy focused on treating individuals with neurological conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Our approach to neurological physio is centred on facilitating recovery and maximising our client's functional abilities, ensuring they achieve the highest possible quality of life.

Critical aspects of our neurological physiotherapy services include:

  • Individual Assessment: Initial comprehensive evaluations are conducted to understand the extent of the neurological condition and its impact on physical functions. This assessment informs the development of a personalised treatment plan.

  • Motor Relearning: Techniques to retrain the brain and nervous system to regain control over movement and improve coordination, balance, and gait.

  • Strength and Flexibility Training: Customised exercises are designed to improve muscle strength and joint flexibility, essential for daily activities.

  • Functional Training: Focused on enhancing the ability to perform specific tasks and activities of daily living, thereby promoting independence.

  • Pain Management: Strategies to reduce discomfort and priotise overall wellbeing, including manual therapy and therapeutic modalities.

Discover Our Physiotherapy Services at Rebound Health

For those seeking comprehensive physiotherapy services, Rebound Health is here to offer expert care and support. Our skilled professionals are committed to providing high-quality, personalised treatment plans across various specialisations, including orthopedic, geriatric, women's health, and neurological physiotherapy. 

Book a consultation now to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.

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