What is the Best Way to Cure a Headache?

Fewer things can ruin your day quite like a headache that won’t go away, they can make it impossible to work, relax, or get anything done.

There are several types: Tension headaches are the most common, followed by migraines and sinus headaches. No matter what kind of you may experience, here are some home remedies to try so you can get back to living your life.

Five Ways to Get Rid of a Headache

Try these five remedies to cure your headache and prevent future ones from forming.

1. Drink water

One of the leading causes of headaches is dehydration. So, the next time you feel your head start to pound, grab a glass of water. Don’t limit yourself to only drinking water when you have a one though. Drinking plenty of water every day has been shown to reduce the occurrences of tension and migraine headaches in chronic sufferers.

2. Shut the lights and close your eyes

If you are at home when your headache strikes, turn the lights down and give your eyes a rest. Light sensitivity is one symptom of migraine sufferers, so sitting in the dark can help you get rid of a migraine. It can take up to 30 minutes for the affected part of your brain to calm down after you shut the lights.

Because you probably can’t sit in the dark all day every day, consider investing in green light for your home. Green is the only band of light that doesn’t trigger migraines. At work, wear blue UV light blocking glasses to reduce the effect from the light on your computer screen, and try to sit close to natural light, which can be less damaging than artificial light.

3. Get regular exercise

When you have a headache, exercising may be the last thing you want to do. However, research shows that regular exercise can reduce the prevalence and severity of migraine attacks.

When you exercise, your body releases endorphins throughout your body. This chemical is a natural painkiller and can reduce your pain level and prevent new headaches. Your physiotherapist can recommend exercises for you that can help you feel better without overdoing it.

4. Give yourself a massage

When you feel a tension headache coming on, take a deep breath and gently massage your temples and neck. This will stimulate blood flow and can help ease the pain. If you get frequent headaches, you may want to book a massage with a massage therapist. Getting regular massages has been shown to reduce the frequency of migraines.

5. Take pain relievers

Certain medications can be used to treat almost all types of headaches. However, they should be taken in moderation. Taking too many pain relievers can lead to rebound headaches or issues with your liver.

If you decide to try a pain reliever, consider what type is best. Anti-inflammatory medication (like ibuprofen) prevents the body from producing the chemical that causes inflammation and can help with tension headaches. Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) blocks pain signals to the brain and is often found in migraine medication.

Bottom Line

Headaches can range from mild to debilitating. Talk to your physiotherapist if you are getting frequent headaches. We may be able to recommend specific exercises or movements that can help you feel better. Book your appointment today to get started.

Andrew Daubneyphysiotherapy