How Do we Structure Our Program for Knee Replacement?

Participating in an exercise program before your surgery (referred to as rehab) will improve the odds of a successful outcome and aide in a faster recovery post-surgery. Prehab is useful for clients of all ages and fitness levels. 

At Rebound Health, we will work one-one-one with you to ensure that you are ready for your knee replacement surgery.  

The prehab program will begin with an initial consultation with one of our qualified Exercise Physiologists.  During this initial assessment information regarding your medical history will be gathered and a physical assessment will be performed to assess joint range of motion, flexibility, muscle strength, balance and functional performance. 

Your Exercise Physiologist will then use all of this information to create a safe and individualised exercise program tailored to your condition, physical fitness level and pre-surgical goals.  Ideally, the program will begin at least 6 weeks prior to your surgery to maximise the potential benefits with there being 1-2 sessions each week.

Your prehab program will include:

-          Education regarding pain during exercise, what to do before surgery and what will be expected immediately post-surgery for a successful recovery. 

-          Strength and conditioning of the muscle groups surrounding the knee to create better support for the knee joint.  Exercise progressions will be made when appropriate. 

-          A home exercise program to compliment your sessions in our practice to further assist in increasing flexibility, strength and balance.

-          Functional skills practice involving steps and transfers for post-surgical mobility.

The improved strength, flexibility and mobility that you can gain from participating in our prehab program can help you achieve post-surgical milestones like walking and stair climbing in less time.

Call us on 9907 6023 for more information or to schedule your initial consultation.  We look forward to working with you soon!