Women’s Health

At Rebound, we understand the uniqueness of every woman’s body and our Physiotherapists hope to empower and support women throughout all stages of life.

From supporting adolescents dealing with chronic pelvic pain, safely guiding you to return to exercise postnatally, or supporting you to manage symptoms related to menopause such as incontinence - our Women’s Health Physiotherapists are here to help.

Conditions we can treat are: 

- Pelvic pain (endometriosis, PCOS, painful cycles) 

- Incontinence 

- Pelvic organ prolapse 

- Pregnancy-related aches and pains

- Helping you prepare your body for birth and labour 

- Post-natal support (eg. pelvic floor strengthening, safe return to exercise)

- Abdominal separation (post-natal)

- Bone density