What Happens When You See a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist?

Experiencing incontinence, painful intercourse, poor bladder control, and poor bowel control is extremely common among women who have endured pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and other conditions that impact women’s pelvic health, such as endometriosis or certain cancers. A pelvic floor physiotherapist can work with you to strengthen your pelvic floor to decrease or eliminate your symptoms. 

Many women avoid seeking help for incontinence out of fear or embarrassment. Rest assured that women’s health physiotherapists are formally trained to understand the underlying causes of your urinary incontinence or lack of bladder and bowel control. They want to help you get stronger so you can feel better and start enjoying life more.

Here are some things you can expect when you make an appointment to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist.

How to Prepare for Your First Appointment

The more open you are about your challenges, the more help your physiotherapist can offer. Prior to your first appointment, it can be useful to jot down some notes about the issues you are dealing with so that you can provide helpful information during your appointment.

Here are some questions to consider before your appointment:

  • What is your history of childbirth?

  • What do you do for work and fun?

  • What medications are you currently taking?

  • How long have you been experiencing pain?

  • Have you tried any other types of therapy or exercise to help?

  • How often do you have bladder and bowel movements throughout the day?

  • Do you notice an increase or decrease in pain during certain times of the day?

  • Are you experiencing pain, discomfort, pressure, or some combination of the three?

  • Does your pain occur when performing certain activities or consuming certain foods?

Your physiotherapist may have additional questions and will speak with you privately. Anything you share will be kept confidential. In some cases, your physiotherapist may want to discuss your progress with your GP, and they will get your permission before doing so.

What Happens During Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

During your first appointment, your physiotherapist will explain how your pelvic floor muscles work, including showing you where pelvic organs are and explaining how they may be impacting you.

You will likely undergo a pelvic exam so your physiotherapist can better identify the root problem. This may be done manually (without instruments) or via ultrasound. If you are uncomfortable with the idea of having a pelvic exam due to fear of pain or anxiety from past trauma, discuss this with your physiotherapist.

Based on what they find, your physiotherapist will make recommendations that can include the following:

  • Pelvic floor exercises

  • Lifestyle modifications

  • Bladder training strategies

  • Diet and fluid modifications

  • Keeping a bladder or bowel diary

Rebound health Physiotherapy for the Pelvic Floor

If you are dealing with any issues associated with your pelvic floor, you don’t need to live with pain, fear, or embarrassment. Physiotherapy can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and learn strategies to prevent them from weakening in the future.

Book an appointment with one of our women’s health physiotherapist’s to regain control and confidence over your life.