Physiotherapy and NDIS Participants

Physiotherapy is just one of the many supports that can be utilised by NDIS Participants

Many NDIS participants can benefit from the services provided by a physiotherapist.

You might think of a physiotherapist as someone who treats sportspeople and athletic injuries only, but they do so much more than that!

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a therapy and rehabilitation modality that aims to help and improve a person’s ability to move and function.

Physiotherapy can assist people with disability in a variety of ways, including treatment for pain management, home exercise programs for rehabilitation, advice on the management of specific conditions and providing recommendations for equipment and mobility aids.

Is physio covered by the NDIS?

Physiotherapy services are covered by the NDIS. Physiotherapy can exist in various sections of your NDIS plan, as a core support or as a capacity-building support.

Physiotherapists can provide treatment and advice to support a number of disabilities and chronic conditions, such as:

  • Physical disabilities (amputations, post-surgery)

  • Intellectual and psychosocial disabilities

  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

  • Acquired brain injuries (ABI’s)

  • Neurological injuries

  • Genetic and chromosomal disorders

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Strokes

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Spinal cord injuries

What are NDIS therapeutic supports?

Therapeutic supports include a wide range of support services and products that help an NDIS participant to improve their independence and performance of daily activities.

Therapeutic supports can include those that help to improve:

  • communication and language skills

  • finding and keeping a job

  • mobility, movement and pain relief

  • participation in the community

  • relationships and interpersonal interactions

NDIS physiotherapy providers

Rebound Health Physiotherapists are all registered NDIS providers - meaning that we can provide quality to care to all participants.