What is the Best Solution for Back Pain?

Most people will experience some form of back pain in their life, whether it’s acute back pain that results from overexertion or chronic back pain. When back pain is more than just a minor annoyance, it can prevent you from working, spending time with loved ones, and even sleeping. Chronic back pain can be debilitating and stop you in your tracks.

Fortunately, there are many treatment options available to help with all levels of back pain. Before you get too far, it’s a good idea to check in with your doctor to get their medical advice. Your doctor can diagnose your back pain using a series of assessments to determine the underlying cause. From there, they can recommend a course of treatment for short-term and long-term pain relief.

Common Solutions for Back Pain

Often, back pain will get better with home treatment. If you strained your back or have experienced a minor injury, you may be able to feel better in a matter of weeks by resting and taking care of yourself.

Here are some standard solutions for all types of back pain:


Over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can help you feel less pain. If those aren’t doing the trick, ask your doctor about muscle relaxants, which can relax your back muscles. These come with side effects and can make you feel drowsy and sometimes dizzy, so only take them when you are at home and can rest.

Heat and ice

Both ice packs and heating pads can help relieve lower back pain. Use ice when you have just experienced an injury. You can use a cold pack or just put some crushed ice into a plastic bag. Wrap it in a cloth to keep a layer between your skin and the cold ice. Only ice for about 10 minutes at a time. Start applying heat about two days after an injury to make sure you don’t release additional inflammatory compounds into your body.

Limit bed rest

When you’re in pain, lying in bed might sound like a good idea. However, your body will respond better to gentle movements than lying in bed for too long. If you are in severe pain, you may need to stay in bed. Try to limit it to only a few days, though, and incorporate gentle exercises like stretching and walking when you can.

Try physiotherapy

If you have chronic back pain, a physiotherapist can help you learn new exercises to improve flexibility and increase your abdominal and back muscles. They can also help you improve your posture, which is a common culprit of back pain, especially these days, when we spend much of our time hunched over a computer or phone. Ask your physiotherapist for recommendations on how to modify movements to prevent back pain in the future.

Reduce stress

Our lives are stressful, and that is taking a toll on our bodies. Finding ways to relieve stress can eliminate tension in your shoulders and upper back. Try yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Take time out of your day to get outside and move, and make sure you are getting enough sleep at night.

Get Started with Physiotherapy

Our trained physiotherapists can help you learn the best ways to relieve back pain through gentle movements and stretches. They can also help you recover from an injury or from back surgery to make sure you can stay healthy and strong without suffering another setback. Schedule an appointment online to get started.