Top Ways to Alleviate Knee Pain

Whether you have recently experienced an injury or are a chronic sufferer, knee pain can be detrimental to your life. When your knees hurt, it can be challenging to exercise, stand, or even sleep comfortably.

Short-term knee problems can often be remedied with proper care at home. If you’re experiencing chronic or long-term knee pain, though, it’s a good idea to seek out medical advice from your practitioner to determine the root cause of your pain. It can also be a good idea to try physical therapy for knee pain to learn strengthening exercises.

How to Alleviate Knee Pain

We have several suggestions of how to alleviate knee pain from home. If you have any concerns or questions about the cause of your knee pain, ask your practitioner for guidance. In some cases, knee surgery or even knee replacement may be necessary to eliminate your knee pain and help you regain mobility.

Gentle exercises

Lying in bed or sitting on the couch all day might sound like a good idea when you’re in pain. However, knee pain often gets better with gentle movement. Walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, and tai chi can all be beneficial for knee pain by strengthening the muscles around your knee joint. Focus on low-impact movements that do not put added pressure on your knees.

Lose weight

When you carry extra weight, you put additional strain on your joints. Your knees often take the brunt of the strain. Additionally, added weight can increase inflammation throughout your entire body, including your knees. Incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet and eliminate processed foods. Aim to move your body for 30 minutes or more a day, and get enough sleep at night. These small changes can aid the process of losing weight and relieve some of the tension and strain being placed on your knees.

Strengthen muscles around the joint

A physiotherapist can demonstrate and prescribe strengthening exercises for the muscles in your legs that surround your knees. When these are stronger, your knees will be stronger. The specific exercises your physiotherapist will recommend to you will depend on the cause of your knee pain.

Follow the RICE method

“RICE” stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This method can work well for knee pain that results from an arthritis flare or minor injury. Keep your knee elevated and wrapped in a compression bandage as you rest. Then, apply an ice pack for up to 20 minutes.

Consider shoe insoles

Wearing the right shoes and insoles can make a huge difference in how your knees function and feel. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about your shoes to determine if getting an insole can improve your knee pain.

Physiotherapy for Knee Pain

Just because knee pain is common doesn’t mean it’s normal. Getting support from a physiotherapist can be just what you need to strengthen your muscles, lose weight, and learn how to properly care for your knees so that you can avoid further injury and pain. Get started today by scheduling an appointment.