How to Improve your Posture

How you sit or stand can have a significant impact on how you feel. In today’s digital world, many of us spend the majority of our time sitting and standing with poor posture, thanks to our overuse of computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Poor posture can lead to neck pain, achy muscles and joints, and even trouble with digestion.

The good news is that it is possible to retrain your body to maintain good posture. Learning how to improve your posture can boost your energy levels, strengthen your core muscles, and reduce your risk of injury.

What Are Some Ways to Improve Your Posture?

Going from bad posture to good posture can feel uncomfortable and unnatural at first. This is normal because your body is re-learning how to stand, sit, and walk properly. Over time, it will start to feel natural to stand up straight.

The following movements can help you naturally correct your posture:

1. Take a daily walk

Going on a daily walk can loosen up your muscles and joints and naturally encourage improved posture. Focus on standing tall and taking deep breaths as you walk. Just ten minutes of walking every day will do wonders for your health and posture. 

2. Practice standing straight

The best way to improve your posture is with regular practice. It can help to stand in front of a mirror to visualise how your body should look with correct posture.

Stand up tall with your feet hip-width apart, keeping your weight on the balls of your feet. Bend your knees slightly and pull your shoulders back slightly while keeping them relaxed. Imagine an invisible piece of string is pulling your head toward the ceiling. Now, tuck in your stomach and lift your pelvis, so it is not sticking out. Finally, keep your head level instead of bending forward. Your ears should be over your shoulders.

3. Work your core

A strong core will help your posture improve naturally. A few moves to try include plank and glute bridge poses. Perform these exercises every day to start building a stronger core to support your spine.

To perform a plank, drop down to the floor on all fours, with your hands situated directly below your shoulders and knees below your hips. Now, lower yourself onto your elbows. If you can, straighten your legs behind you with your feet hip-width apart. If this is too much, then stay on your knees until your core gets stronger. Focus on keeping your core tight and back straight. Hold this pose for 20 seconds, and work up to holding it for one minute.

To perform a glute bridge, flip onto your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Your arms can sit slightly out to the side with your palms facing down on the floor. Tighten your glute and core muscles as you raise your hips off the floor until your knees align with your shoulders. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. Then, slowly lower your hips to the floor. Repeat five times.


A lot of people have poor posture. Fortunately, there are ways to correct it so you can feel better and do more with your body. If you need more support or do not feel comfortable performing exercises to strengthen your posture on your own, a physiotherapist can help. You can work with a certified physiotherapist to determine the best exercises, stretches, and movements to improve your posture. Schedule an appointment with a physiotherapist today.